Terracotta statuette of a woman holding a baby, 2nd-1st century BCE, Myrina. Met Museum 74.51.1729.
Welcome to the website of The Women’s Classical Caucus (WCC)!
We invite you to tour our pages, check out our upcoming events, and become a member of our vibrant community.
The WCC is one of the longest-serving affiliate organizations of the Society for Classical Studies, the principal society in North America for the study of ancient Greek and Roman languages, literatures, and civilizations.
Founded in 1972, the mission of the WCC is to promote gender-informed perspectives in the study and teaching of all aspects of ancient Mediterranean cultures, particularly in the study of women, gender, and intersectionality in classical antiquity.
Additionally, we support scholars from all genders and from historically underrepresented groups (including women, non-binary identified, people of color, trans people, first-generation students, people with disabilities, etc.) so they can thrive as scholars and full human beings in the field of Classics and in their pursuit of knowledge about the ancient Mediterranean world. To that end, the WCC seeks to create a community that supports the well-being of its members through programs and professional development opportunities related to research, teaching, service, and advocacy.
We seek to incorporate feminist and gender-informed perspectives in the study and teaching of all aspects of ancient Mediterranean cultures, particularly the study of women in classical antiquity.
Embodying Women’s Colonial Experiences
February 28, 2025, 8:30AM-4:00PM EST
Organized by: Savannah Sather Marquardt and Maddalena Scarperi
This virtual conference seeks investigations of the woman’s body (broadly defined) and embodied experiences of womanhood in ancient Mediterranean colonial, middle ground, and hybrid spaces where what it meant to be ‘woman,’ ‘man’, ‘Greek,’ 'Roman,' or 'barbarian' was subject to constant, creative negotiation and redefinition.
How did ancient (“indigenous”) women challenge naturalized Greco-Roman notions of the feminine body and re-shape the articulations of womanhood? How has the role of women in colonial contexts been represented, silenced, erased or marginalized in the extant evidence and in modern scholarship? How and under which conditions can the bod(il)y (of) experiences of these women be recovered, reassembled, or re-membered?
Register Here
WCC Events Page
Call for Papers
Welcome to the Winter 2024-2025 edition of Cloelia, the WCC’s quarterly newsletter devoted to keeping our membership up-to-date on the latest activities and initiatives of the Women’s Classical Caucus (WCC). We are currently preparing for the 2025 annual meeting of the SCS-AIA in the new year, anticipating the ever-popular WCC/LCC/COGSIP reception among several other events. We also look back at our Fall events, from conferencing to mental health. You’ll also find information on an exciting new virtual conference scheduled for February.
Introducing the Hardship Fund
The Hardship Fund supports US-based classicists, at any stage of the profession, in need of financial support for an emergency that is not a professional expenditure. Applicants do not have to be current members of the SCS or WCC but do need to be currently active scholars, teachers, or students who study the ancient Mediterranean world.
Call for Papers for Panel Sponsored by the Women’s Classical Caucus
A Monster of Our Creation: Rethinking Classical Reception in Children’s Literature
Organized by Aisha Dad, UNC Greensboro
Submission deadline: February 10, 2025
Congratulations to our 2024-2025 Prize Winners!
Events and Announcements
Women’s History Month Reading Group
Thank you to everyone who voted in our Women’s History Month reading group poll! We’re thrilled to announce that the winner is….
🎉 Can an Object Love?: A Philological Essay on Female Subjectivity" by Ellen Söderblom Saarela (2023)! 🎉
WCC Virtual Conference: Embodying Women's Colonial Experiences
This virtual conference seeks investigations of the woman’s body (broadly defined) and embodied experiences of womanhood in ancient Mediterranean colonial, middle ground, and hybrid spaces where what it meant to be ‘woman,’ ‘man’, ‘Greek,’ 'Roman,' or 'barbarian' was subject to constant, creative negotiation and redefinition.
LCC/WCC Grad Drinks at SCS/AIA 2025
When: Friday, January 3, 2025 at 9:00-10:00pm EST
Where: Good Dog Bar (224 South 15th St, Philadelphia, PA 19102)
This event is hosted by Anna Muh and Kate Stevens. All students and recent PhDs welcome!
The Conferencing 101 page has been updated!
Are you going to a conference soon and want a refresher on best practices? Do you have questions or want to demystify the conference experience? If so, the WCC Mentorship Team held a pop-up session on Dec. 12, 2024 to address concerns and questions about how to get the most out of attending academic conferences. Check out the updated resource page below!
A New Cloelia: Issue 9 (Winter 2024-2025)
Welcome to the Winter 2024-2025 edition of Cloelia, the WCC’s quarterly newsletter devoted to keeping our membership up-to-date on the latest activities and initiatives of the Women’s Classical Caucus (WCC). We are currently preparing for the 2025 annual meeting of the SCS-AIA in the new year, anticipating the ever-popular WCC/LCC/COGSIP reception among several other events. We also look back at our Fall events, from conferencing to mental health. You’ll also find information on an exciting new virtual conference scheduled for February.
Call for Abstracts - SCS/AIA 2026
A Monster of Our Creation: Rethinking Classical Reception in Children’s Literature
Organized by Aisha Dad, UNC Greensboro
Conferencing 101
WCC Mentorship Pop-up Event: Conferencing 101
Thursday 12 December 2024, 12:00-1:30 PM ET
The WCC Mentorship Team invites you to a pop-up session to address your concerns and questions about how to get the most out of attending academic conferences.
CfP for WCC's Virtual Conference: Embodying Women's Colonial Experiences
This virtual conference seeks investigations of the woman’s body (broadly defined to include anyone who identifies as such) and embodied experiences of womanhood in colonial, middle ground, and hybrid spaces, where what it meant to be ‘woman,’ ‘man’, ‘Greek,’ 'Roman,' or 'barbarian' was subject to constant, creative negotiation and redefinition.
Negotiating a Job Offer
Please join us for a new event in the WCC Job Market Series!
In Negotiating a Job Offer, we tackle your questions about what to do after you have an offer: what are reasonable asks in response to an offer, what you can negotiate, and how much time you have to make a decision.
WCC at 50: Celebrating our Community
In 2022, the WCC celebrated fifty years of feminist scholarship, service, advocacy, and activism. We kicked off the year-long celebrations at the 2022 AIA/SCS. Here’s what we did:
WCC at 50 webpage: Visit our page featuring resources and interviews with WCC founders, leaders, and members (check out the preview video)
SCS Blog Post: Read our story and how we have grown, changed, and supported our community
WCC Events at the 2022 AIA/SCS
WCC Members Video Montage Preview