WCC Mentorship Program

Welcome to the WCC Mentorship Program!

Image: Picture book illustration, Telemachus makes a sacrifice to Athena and recognizes Mentor in her again, RP-P-1905-996, LeBlanc 34.

Image: Picture book illustration, Telemachus makes a sacrifice to Athena and recognizes Mentor in her again, RP-P-1905-996, LeBlanc 34.

We have all had mentors who, at one time or other, were there for us at a crucial point in our lives. Regardless of age or stage, we each have wisdom to give and much to learn from each other as we follow the myriad paths through and even beyond our academic careers. At the WCC, part of our mission is to foster relationships between the members of our community so that we can all live up to our tremendous potential in our pursuits, whether in our scholarship, our teaching, or in managing the work-life balance.

Wherever we are in our professional paths, we can all sometimes use a boost from a trusted colleague, a long-term advocate, or a friend to help us through difficult patches or to encourage us to be our better selves. With this in mind, the WCC leadership has reformulated the WCC Mentorship Program to meet the diverse needs of our membership and to create connections within our community that will make us all stronger.

 “When the student is ready,
the teacher will appear.”

General Information

How it works

The WCC Mentorship Program welcomes all members at any stage of their careers to participate as a mentor or mentee.

There are two options for the WCC Mentorship Program: cohort “one-on-one” mentorship and on-demand “just-in-time” mentorship.

In the cohort mentorship program, each mentor will be assigned 2-3 mentees who will meet at least twice per term (i.e. Sept-Dec, Jan-May) during the academic year. For mentees, this means that you will be paired with a mentor and also peers who overlap with your professional goals, interests, and/or stage of career. See our FAQ page for more detail.

The on-demand “just-in-time” mentorship program focuses on mentoring in relation to specific issues and milestones.  For example, mentees can request short-term pairings related to pedagogy, networking, exam preparation, job applications, etc., and the WCC will work to set up events and meet-ups with more senior members in the field to help. In turn, members can volunteer to be a mentor in a specific area or for shorter periods of time.

We invite on-demand mentors to participate as panelists and speakers in the WCC’s events. In addition to Mentorship Pop-Ups, we have hosted four series on topics aimed to enhance professional development: AcaParenting; Pedagogy; Publishing; and the Job Market. These multi-session series comprise a growing network of mentors. If you are interested in contributing as a panelist and/or speaker, sign-up as an on-demand mentor. If you have an idea or suggestion for a future event, please write to us at wccmentorship@gmail.com.

The WCC will provide guidance, training, and check-in opportunities for both mentors and mentees throughout the year.

Why be a part of the WCC Mentorship Program?

  • It is a rewarding and sustainable way to network with peers and potential future colleagues who may share your interests, expand your knowledge, and help you grow as a member of our field.

  • It consolidates and strengthens the bonds of our community through active, regular support.

What You Can Expect

  • To participate in a unique mentoring experience developed by a team drawing from the most current research on mentoring and their own experiences in various types of mentorship programs and institutions of different sizes.

  • To form direct relationships with other members of the WCC.

  • To gain skills at being better mentors and mentees, which are transferrable into other areas and pursuits.

Cohort Mentoring

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Long-term and multi-level mentoring

The Cohort Mentoring Program offers the potential of even more network connections by matching a mentor with a cohort of 2-3 mentees. With the cohort model, mentees will be able to receive maximum input from a knowledgeable mentor and from similarly situated peers (fellow mentees). Cohort program participants commit to meeting twice per term, at a minimum, throughout the academic year.

Sign up below to become a mentor, mentee, or both for the 2024-2025 Cohort Mentorship cycle! The deadline is Friday, August 16, 2024.

Image: Terracotta votive statuette, fourth-third centuries BCE, Etruscan, Met Museum 17.230.44.

On-Demand Mentoring

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Short-term mentoring, tools, and support

The On-Demand Mentoring Program offers mentees the opportunity to request targeted guidance on specialized topics by connecting them with short-term, temporary mentors or arranging programs and meet-ups to address specific needs. This resource is offered year-round as requests are made.

The WCC is currently inviting on-demand mentors to participate as panelists and speakers in the WCC’s events! If you are interested in contributing as a panelist and/or speaker, sign-up as an on-demand mentor. If you have an idea or suggestion for a future event, please write to us at wccmentorship@gmail.com.

Sign up as a mentor or mentee any time throughout the year!

Image: Terracotta group: making flour, ca. 600–480 BCE, Cypriot. Met Museum 74.51.1643.


Mentorship Events and Companion Resources




What is the structure of the cohort mentorship program?

The Cohort Mentorship Program runs every year from September to May. Each cohort will consist of one mentor and at least two peer mentees. You will meet at least twice per term (i.e. Sept-Dec, Jan-May) on the platform of your choosing. The Mentorship Team will also host launch/end-of-year parties, information sessions, and pop-up events based on professionalization topics throughout the mentorship cycle!

What time commitments am I agreeing to as a mentee/mentor in the cohort mentorship program?

You and your cohort decide what the terms of your mentoring relationship look like! At the beginning of the cycle, you will be provided with a Mentoring Agreement that will help your cohort set mutual expectations, meeting times, and preferred communication platforms moving forward. For consistency, the Mentorship Team requires that cohorts meet at least two times per term (i.e. Sept-Dec, Jan-May), but how you meet (i.e. over video, chat, etc.) is up to you.

Does it matter what professional stage I’m in to be a mentee/mentor?

We have mentees and mentors from any and every stage of their careers/academic training. If you are a student with knowledge to share about work-life balance, studying tips, and school/scholarship applications, we would love for you to be a mentor! Newly-tenured or just about to retire, and wondering about your next steps? Sign up as a mentee!

Can I be a mentor and a mentee at the same time?

Yes! In the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 cycles, we had participants who did just that and enjoyed both roles.

Can I participate in both the cohort and on-demand programs?

Absolutely! Mentees - the programs can offer you different things based on your needs and timelines. Mentors - feel free to sign up for what you can depending on your time and bandwidth. 

Do I need to work in academia to sign up as a mentee/mentor?

The WCC supports engagement by Classicists in all professions, academic and non-academic. We have had mentors and mentees with a breadth of skill sets and professional experiences participate in this program.

I’m currently working from a remote town or a different country. Will that affect my ability to participate in the cohort program?

The mentorship program comprises mentees and mentors across multiple timezones. The Mentorship Team will try to take this into consideration to limit the challenges of finding a virtual meeting schedule that works for all members of your cohort!

Does it matter what gender I am or identify as to participate in the mentorship program?

The WCC welcomes members of all genders and identities to sign up as mentors and/or mentees! The goal of the program is to connect you with people who can support you in a multitude of ways, sometimes planned but often unexpected and delightful. The Mentorship Program cannot guarantee an identity-based match, but we work hard to accommodate your requests and can introduce you to other identity-based professional organizations. We ask all participants to be open to the process and this unique networking experience!

I was in the Cohort Mentorship Program last year and really enjoyed the cohort I was matched with! Can I be matched with the same mentor and/or mentee this year?

We’re so happy to hear that you enjoyed your previous cohort! One of the goals of this program is to help mentors and mentees make lasting professional relationships that can extend beyond the program’s annual cycle. Another one of our goals is to provide you with the opportunity to expand your network and meet new people! Because of this, we do not match mentors and mentees who have previously been in the same cohort.

Where can I learn more about being a mentee/mentor?

Check out the Mentorship Resource page for some general tips and advice on being a mentee and mentor. Additionally, stay tuned for future events and info sessions by the Mentorship Team on the WCC’s Events page.

Can I suggest an idea for a pop-up event?

Yes! Throughout the cycle, the Mentorship Team will host pop-up events based on professionalization topics that sometimes arise from needs based on the academic calendar. For example, the “Conferencing 101” event was hosted in December 2021 and December 2022, and the “All About Recommendation Letters” event was hosted in March 2022. If you have an idea for a pop-up event that you would like to be involved in or want to just suggest to the team, please contact us at: wccmentorship@gmail.com.

Further questions? If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: wccmentorship@gmail.com.