Trans in Classics
WCC is proud to host and be a partner with Trans in Classics
Trans in Classics
Trans in Classics is a new (2020) working group of the SCS that seeks to provide a community and source of advocacy for trans, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming) folx within Classics and promote and produce scholarship that discusses trans-identities, issues, and readings. This group works to bring some of the insights and lived experiences found in transgender studies into conversation with the Classics in the hope that bringing these into dialogue with each other will enrich both our pedagogy and students’ lives, while also centering our academic conversations within an ethics of care that includes and nourishes trans lives.
Trans in Classics has a community for those who broadly identify as trans on discord and a facebook group for trans folx and allies.
Email Ky Merkley, the founder of Trans in Classics, if you are interested in becoming a part of this group or would like to learn more.
Follow us on Twitter: @TransInClassics