Scholarship/Paper Prizes
The Women’s Classical Caucus presents awards in the areas of scholarship and advocacy.
The WCC invites you to nominate candidates for the 2024-2025 WCC Awards and Prizes.
Many former award and prize winners have been self-nominees. If you are eligible, please submit your name!
The deadline for nominations is July 1, 2024.
Image: Seated Woman; Greece; late 5th century B.C., Getty Villa
Scholarship/Paper Prizes
Every year the WCC offers two awards for outstanding scholarly work and encourages nominations in each of these categories:
The Barbara McManus Award for Outstanding Scholarship: to be given for an article or book chapter published in the three calendar years prior to the nominating year (e.g. 2015, 2016, 2017 papers are eligible for the 2018-19 award cycle)
Pre-PhD Paper Presentation: to be given for an unpublished, oral paper by a pre-PhD scholar presented at a major conference in the year prior to 30 June of the nominating year
In all cases, nominations must relate to the WCC’s mission–the study of gender, sexuality, feminist theory, women’s history, or the status of women in the profession. Self-nominations are strongly encouraged; however, we will only accept ONE self-nomination per person per prize. The amount of each award is $300.
Nominations received after July 1st in any year will be considered for the next award season. If you have any questions about the awards, please email the WCC Elections & Prizes Coordinator.
Nominations must be received by JULY 1 in order to be considered for the following SCS/AIA meeting in January (e.g., nominations received before July 1, 2021, will be considered for the 2021-2022 Awards). Award winners will be notified in August and will be celebrated at the WCC/LCC/COGSIP Opening Night Reception of the SCS Annual Meeting.
In addition to prizes for outstanding scholarship, WCC also gives awards for leadership, mentorship, equity, and public scholarship. Click here for more information about the WCC Advocacy Awards.
Historical Note:
The WCC changed the timing of its awards cycle in 2021 to better meet the needs of applicants so that they would find out about any awards at the beginning of the academic job cycle. We will now be announcing awards according to the academic calendar, rather than the calendar year.